Up-coming Shows

Territories: Worldwide | Category: Short Film
Cast: John Locke
Directed by Marc Green
Part of the 'Time and Tide' trilogy, 'The Last Lighthouse Keeper' tells the story of one of the most legendary maritime figures, following the occupation of the keeper from the invention of the lighthouse - when a guardian was needed to tend the light – to eventual redundancy, with all the adventures that came between. Character actor John Locke embodies the dual nature of the role to show a man in a working profession, carrying out everyday duties, while also producing a performance that brings an epic quality to express the folklore and legends of the sea. After going about his work, John’s performance leads us further and further into the myth, before he settles back once again to become an ordinary man.
UK Release Date: tba
Contact Moving Pictures Theatre for more details.

Territories: Worldwide | Category: Short Film
Cast: Samuel West
Directed by Jonathan Stow
Samuel West plays an actor returning to the theatre, as he tells the story of Odysseus, who found that even after the Trojan war and an epic journey home across the sea, his trials were far from over. After the theatre lay dormant during coronavirus restrictions, the actor walks through the working areas backstage, using Odysseus’ journey to express the frustration at the deserted theatre and the struggles faced in life as we try to start again after a crisis. As he remembers the audience that once filled the empty seats, an epic reveal across the auditorium coincides with a change in perspective that gives him hope for the future.
'Homecoming' is part of the 'Time and Tide' trilogy.
UK Release Date: tba
Contact Moving Pictures Theatre for more details.

Territories: Worldwide | Category: Short Film
Cast: Greta Scacchi, Dan Newman
Directed by Justin Spray
Greta Scacchi stars in this story of a gladiator fighting for his life, while his mother watches on, unable to protect him. While trying to distract herself from the danger he is in, she is reminded of happier times when he was a child under her care, free from responsibility. Greta’s performance creates an air of intimacy, drawing attention to the emotion that she shows in the moment, while she narrates the story in such a way that brings the past to life. Dreamlike sequences of a child, played by Dan Newman, intercut the central performance, with the connection between the boy on the beach and the gladiator in the narrative coming together at the very end.
'The Arena' forms part of the 'Time and Tide' trilogy.
UK Release Date: tba
Contact Moving Pictures Theatre for more details.